Eclipse in Makanda
Decades of rummage-sale cruising have given veteran resale junkies Pam and Bob Baker a perfect business strategy for their Makanda boardwalk shop. Find used goods that are still useful, interesting and priced right and people will be more than willing to pay just a little less than what you paid for it.
It’s the basic rule of rummage-sale economics. The value of everything is debatable. A twenty-five cent golf club, a buyer might suggest, is worth only twenty? The bag itself should be included. But sometimes, sellers win. Vinyl records of singers who were never particularly popular 40 years ago might be worth more than the asking price of eighty cents each a faulty internet source declares to a furtive shopper, and so hopeful speculators grab them all. The seller wins that round.
Some stores dutifully restock exactly the same merchandise their customers expect.
Not here. At Pam and Bob’s (“The letter J doesn’t stand for junk,” they point out), if somebody just bought what you want, it’s gone. But something else you might want could be here tomorrow. Hoarders of unexpectedly bought things will be delighted.